Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let's start this thing all over again

So, I haven't posted on this blog in a long time, but I'm baaaaack! Not that I ever went away, just away from this blog. I've been working on other blogs and things, and I let this blog take a back seat. I have been doing some work on my jewelry business, especially recently. I've posted a shop on Etsy and have been working on updating my website.

As for applying for shows, those are few and far between. It seems that the shows I've been doing have not been doing so sales have really slumped the last several years (of course, so has the economy.) So, that shouldn't really be much of a surprise. Also, it's seems it is harder to get into shows. Jewelry has always been so competitive, and now it seems that literally everyone (no, I really mean literally everyone) is making jewelry...or their sister is or their get the idea. So, shows are just tough.

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