Friday, August 22, 2008

I Was In, But Wished I Hadn't Been

So, the Newport Art and Music Festival was definitely NOT worth my time. It was not worth the price of a long shot. Saturday was hot and miserable. Then rainy and very windy. Then, it got cooler and some people actually showed up, almost resembling a crowd. However, it was certainly too little, too late.

Sunday wasn't worth showing up at all. While the weather was not as hot, the "crowd" was even less. I was more than ready to go and never come back.

It's really a shame, because at one time this was a great show. Too bad the bureaucrats in charge didn't have their act together.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Apparently, I'm In...

So, as of this weekend I had not received any confirmation from Newport as to whether my show fee check being deposited actually meant I was accepted. So, since the show is this weekend, I called today. The person I spoke with started to tell me what the hours were. So, I am just supposed to show up whenever? I asked them to confirm that they weren't sending anything out...they aren't. I told him that generally shows send out confirmations before an event and I had never heard of a show not doing that. I said that if I hadn't checked my bank account, I would have assumed that I just didn't get in...

I was told I could set up on Friday or Saturday...I asked what time on Saturday and was told anytime. This is really beginning to concern me. No confirmation, no information, no specific instructions for set-up or anything. My only hope is that it is a highly visible location, it is an event that has been held before, and it is in a popular destination right near the Aquarium. I am, however, keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ok, So Am I In or Out?

Last week I was checking my bank account and saw the a jury fee and show fee for the Newport Art and Music Festival had been processed. So, after getting no information for a couple months, my check has now been deposited. So, after a few days with no word from the show, I call the number listed for the show. I get a guy telling me pretty much everyone has been accepted. What? That doesn't sound good. How many people are going to be exhibiting? What kind of work is going to be showing?

Now, I did this show several years ago, but have been rejected every year since then...too much jewelry! Not this year, however, I think.

I still have no confirmation either by phone or mail or e-mail that I am in this show. It is in a little over a week. This is ridiculous and confusing.

So, I am waiting for confirmation that I am in this show, hoping that I am, because I need sales. However, I am nervous about what kind of show this might be this year. For now, I am leeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Too Much Jewelry

I've been particpating in arts and crafts shows for six years now, selling jewelry for five of those years. It seems that every year there are more people making jewelry. This is so frustrating as it makes it harder to get into shows every year. What is also very frustrating is the shows that say all of you work must be handmade and then allow people in with buy/sell items. Or the shows that say a component must be made by the artist, and then allow in people who don't.